Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The end of the world is near!

Well the worst case happened today! The American people bought themselves one huge load of garbage named Obama! Lame today, lame tomorrow! You jerks will deserve the tax increase that the Obama scumbag will do to your paychecks! Do you jerks really believe that Obama can give away a ton of tax money and provide health care at the same time? You must be the stupidest people on the planet and I wish all of you would please "get off my planet"! You can "greenhouse" your sorry behinds for the next four really stupid years!

The Obama mama will never ever be my president.

God help America and the world!

Thous of you that voted for Obama, please seek mental help prior to the next election or simply stay home and away from the polls as you are a danger to yourself and the country. You need help! I'll be sure to ask president Dumb ass to include your mental health as part of his B.S. Nazi like healthy program.

You all can now take your Prozac and go to bed!

There will be no Santa for all you very bad boys and girls!

Eat a lump of coal...if you can still afford a lump of coal before Obama taxes it!

Good night!

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