Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Will someone please tell me why its the Republicans fault?

Will someone please tell me why the current "Wall Street Crisis" is the fault of the Republicans? The democrates control both houses. The speaker of the House is democrate. And, the Republican president is a lame duck.

It clearly seems to me that the democrates are in control and continue to sit on their collective behinds.

Can the democrates ever put politics aside and just get the job done?

And people want to vote for Obama? What the hell for?

Monday, September 29, 2008

Obama means change - Pocket change!

Obama keeps talking about change. And, I finally got the message. He means pocket change! After he raises taxes. After he increases big government even bigger. After he submits he so called energy plan that even he admits must include both off-shore drilling and nuclear energy. After he ends one war in favor of two or three new wars. Pocket change is all we will have left to spend.

If you love more taxes, more war, bigger more wasteful government then by all means vote for Obama!

Tax and spend democrates or not change at all. Obama is not about real change. He is not about change at all. Just more tax and spend the democratic way.

Real change will only come about when we elect Sen John McCain to the Office of the President of the United States.

Now that's change I can live with!

Changing America One Democrat At A Time!

I am very happy to report that the following former democrates have not only commited their votes to Sen. John McCain. But have also switched to the Republican party!

1. My wife of 11 years (democrate for 34 years)
2. My sister (democrate for 42 years)
3. One of my sister's bestfriends (democrate for approx 30 years)
4. One of three sister-in-laws (democrate for 34 years)
5. My ex-wife (democrate for 32 years)
6. My ex-mother-in-law (democrate for approx 60 years - she won't tell us her real age)!